Week of Prayer (24/7 Prayer)
Monday 25 May - Saturday 30 May
|Online Meeting
At this time of great uncertainty and need in our nation and our world, we are holding a focussed week of prayer. Each day there will be 3 times of (online) gathered prayer and 'slots' for individual prayer throughout the day. More detail below......

Time & Location
Monday 25 May - Saturday 30 May
Online Meeting
About the Event
In these extraordinary times we recognise that we have often taken too much for granted, particularly when there is the realisation that life is fragile and fleeting and our own plans and aspirations are easily disrupted.
In the epistle of James (5:13) the church is called to pray; "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray" and in v16 James tells us why we should pray; "the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
Prayer works and is a great faith builder, but even more importantly, prayer is vital to our relationship with God. The great Victorian baptist minister Charles Spurgeon when he was asked which was more important out of daily Bible reading and prayer, his response was to say "you might as well ask me which is more important to breathing - inhaling or exhaling!"
When righteous people pray, great things happen, and when righteous people gather together to pray, extraordinary things happen.
That is why at this time of great uncertainty and need in our nation and our world, we are holding a week of prayer and we look forward to gathering as the people of God to devote ourselves to humbling ourselves, seeking His face and praying for our friends and families, our work colleagues, our church, our nation and our world, praying together "Lord, Your will be done on earth as in heaven.”
How to take part :
3 daily sessions of (online) gathered prayer (9am,1pm & 8pm) - Please register to receive details of how to join one, some or all of the sessions. These will be sent out via email.
Commit to a slot of personal private prayer during the week. Individual prayer slots are one hour long and as a church, we are aiming to fill the week from 10am - 10pm daily Monday - Saturday. We are encouraging the whole church family to committ to a minimum of 1 hour during the week but those wanting to do more are welcome! Pledge your time at